November 30, 2021 What should I do? I live in an apartment where there is a back area we can use I take my two dogs there but my neighbor is getting mad at me because my dog is making hers bark and wants me to go somewhere else. My dogs always ignore her pitty.
November 30, 2021 I’ve got a high energy dog and want to get it a low energy companion. What would be a good choice of dog breed?
November 30, 2021 I want a quiet dog that doesn't stink with minimal shedding and that is great with kids. The dog should also be low-maintenance and apartment-friendly. Is the Vizsla or the Wirehaired Vizsla better suited for me? Would another breed be even better?
November 30, 2021 If you took one of every dog breed in the world and formed a pack, which dog breed is most likely to become the alpha dog?
November 30, 2021 Why do some people give great importance to the breed of dogs, while the dog is a dog?
November 30, 2021 Why do people think that they have to have an expensive pure breed dog when there are so many unwanted great dogs who need homes?
November 30, 2021 What breed of dog did you mistakenly buy because you never realised how much care and attention it required?