What is the cutest and sweetest thing your dog has ever done for you?

 What is the cutest and sweetest thing your dog has ever done for you?

Jango absolutely despises bathes. He will do anything in his power to avoid taking one. This means, he refuses to enter the bathroom if someone is in there.

One day, I was throwing up. I was in a lot of pain, and I was close to tears.

I looked up from the toilet, and my dog slowly inches his way into the bathroom. Despite his fear of being tricked into a bath, he still was trying to comfort me.

He ended up walking up to me and resting his head on my knee.

It was the cutest and sweetest thing he has done for me because he faced his fear for me.

Jango is featured in the photo above.

I had a dog once. He was very young and small and sweet. I took him to the beach with me once. I thought that he will love the sea. When I tried to take him to the water, he was terrified, he really lost it. I mean, he was really panicking. I said ok, you are afraid, let’s go back to the towel. Then I asked my boyfriend to hold him until I go for a swim.

The beach was full of people and it was noisy. I started walking towards the sea and as I was walking into the water, I started hearing commotion behind my back, I did a few more steps and it all became louder. I turned back to see what was going on, at that time I was already quite deep in, and I saw people standing up and waving their hands and pointing to something small. Then I saw my doggy swimming very fast towards me.

See, he was scared because he saw the sea as something really dangerous. Then he saw me going in and his instinct to protect me overcame his fear. This is the most incredible show of love a dog has done for me.

I miss him very much, not because of this but because he was one of the gentlest souls I have come across!

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