What is the smartest thing your dog has ever done that you didn’t teach him that you never thought he or she would be able to do?

 What is the smartest thing your dog has ever done that you didn’t teach him that you never thought he or she would be able to do?

One of my dogs is a rescued Decker Rat Terrier. One day, I heard one of my hens singing the egg song, but there was no egg in the nest box. This particular bird liked to lay pretty much all over: in the rose bushes was her favorite. So I looked there for the egg. Nope. I walked around by the brush along the fenceline and it was too thick to get through, so I told Jack “Find the egg”. He went into that brush and came back out a few minutes later with an egg very carefully held in his mouth! That soft mouth was so not typical of the fella, who loves to eat mice and baby bunnies.

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