Could you suggest good breeds of dogs apt for apartment living?

 Could you suggest good breeds of dogs apt for apartment living?

Very few dogs, if any at all, would be able to stay alone in an apartment for 10-12 hours. It is pure cruelty.

Next, assuming you leave your office by 8 and return by 8, would you have enough time to exercise the dog and do all that is needed for it?

Save yourself from the guilt and your four-legged friend from the trauma. It is a huge commitment and one that requires sacrifices every now and then if not daily.

Humans can't wait 1 additional minute waiting at a signal and you want your dog to wait 12 hours for you every day. It would lead to depression, anxiety, and undesirable outcomes, which typically lead to owners abandoning the pet, very cruelly most of the time.

Decide wisely. For the pet, you are going to play the role of a God.

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